Getting CIFCA’s services begins with a fact-finding process and an analysis of your needs. Our aim is to find out what the customer needs to do in Islamic banking and finance so as to help us qualify and quantify the customers needs/ application.
Therefore, understand that; –
- Our advice/recommendations are based on what you disclose to us, so be truthful about your needs
- Know your goals, what you really want to achieve and explain it to us in writing
When you’re meeting our representatives for the first time, they will introduce themselves, and ask you what you want.
After which, they will go through these steps:
1. Assessing your situation and Needs
Our representatives will ask you a series of questions about your company, needs and goals. They need to gather enough information, assessing your situation and needs is crucial in deciding how to serve you. This fact-finding process is called customer needs analysis (CNA).
2. Analysing and Making a Recommended Solution/Service
After our representatives have captured the information you provided, these will be a reasonable basis for the experts recommendation(s) on how to serve you in order to make you realize what you need. They must take into account your situation, particular needs and business, educational or investment objectives.
They must explain why the service plan or products recommended is suitable for you, and disclose information on the product such as the benefits and risks of the product, the structure of the products, Shari’ah compliance issues and the charges/fee that you need to pay (if applicable).
Our experts will not be able to recommend what solution to your need can be you are assessed to have not met the Customer Knowledge Assessment (CKA) or Customer Account Review (for listed customers).
3. Provide us with ALL the Required Document/and or Information
A customer, consultancy or advisory services seeker, must give full details of the products that he or she is requesting CIFCA to advice or consult on. You should provide the following documents: –
- Registration documents
- Contact information (including physical address, postal address, e-mail, website (if any)
- A project plan (write up)
5. Our Service Checklists
A service checklist for your service will be prepared by us. Use this checklist to know what to do and ask before, during and after your meeting with our representative.
CIFCA Membership Application Form Electronic- (Added on 20th November, 2021)
Experts Base Application Form– (Added on 2oth November, 2021)